Free Care

Participate in Our Clinical Study on Lichen Sclerosus


Free Care and Study Participation Opportunity


We understand that lichen sclerosus is a painful and often misunderstood condition that severely impacts the lives of women. At the Institute for Lichen Sclerosus & Vulval Health (ILSVH), we are dedicated to improving the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of this condition. We are currently offering free care to those affected and invite you to participate in a clinical study aimed at finding more effective treatments.


Why This Study is Important


Lichen sclerosus is frequently underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed, leading to significant delays in treatment and prolonged suffering. Despite the availability of some treatments, many women continue to experience severe symptoms due to misinformation and incorrect use of therapies. Current research at the Mayo Clinic and comparisons of CO2 laser treatment with clobetasol, shows promise but often involves small participant numbers and limited scope. Therefore, a large-scale clinical study is crucial to developing more comprehensive and effective treatment options.


What We Offer


- Free Care: We provide free medical care to participants as part of our commitment to helping women manage and treat lichen sclerosus.


- Clinical Study Participation: By participating in our study, you will contribute to groundbreaking research that aims to improve treatment options for women suffering from this condition.


Join Us in Making a Difference


Your participation in our clinical study can drive significant advancements in understanding and treating lichen sclerosus. Together, we can improve the quality of life for countless women suffering from this painful condition. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please visit our website or contact us directly.


Fill Out The Form


If you are interested in participating in future research regarding the health of the vulva and vagina, then please supply the following information...


    Contact Details

    Your Full Name:


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    Best Phone Number:




    Address 2:






