Institute for Lichen Sclerosus & Vulval Health


Women suffering from lichen sclerosus were treated with the O-Shot® methods. The women underwent biopsies of the affected areas before and after treatment. Then two dermatopathologists who were "blinded" to which was the before and which the after, looking at biopsies, determined that most of the women showed improvement (less inflammation on biopsy).  The women also reported a statistically significant improvement in symptoms!

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The Silent Pain of Lichen Sclerosus. Your Best Friend May Keep it a Secret.

The Silent Pain of Lichen Sclerosus. Your Best Friend May Keep it a Secret.

Go here to read the research (the next to last abstract on the page)<–

Still, we must be careful before saying that all women suffering with Lichen Sclerosus should be treated this way.  This method (developed by key members of the O-Shot® provider group) should undergo further evaluation and confirmation by other experts before becoming adopted by every physician.  The way the PRP is prepared is important.  How it’s injected is important.  And, simply the diagnosis and thinking about lichen sclerosus should be done by someone familiar with other methods of treating the disease.

Still, this research represents a MAJOR breakthrough in the treatment of the disease.  Notice that stem cells were NOT used.  Simply the technology and methods of preparing blood as worked out by the O-Shot® provider group. So…

Scientific Research Representing a Breakthrough in the Care of Women Suffering with Lichen Sclerosus

The initial results of the landmark study, planned in the above video, as presented at the July 2015 meeting of the ISSVD in New York, NY. You can read the exciting research results here (click, then scroll down to the next-to-last abstract) <– 

Further data collection showed even more significant results. The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatologists published the data in January 2017.

You can see those results here (click)<--





